Sleep has been identified as an important factor contributing to athletic performance. Athletes may have an increased need for sleep with general recommendations suggesting 7-9 hours to ensure adequate physiological and psychological recovery following training, of which 80-90% should...
The walking lunge is a great single leg exercise. The key benefit of the lunge and the reason it is considered an advanced exercise is that the leg muscles must cause deceleration as the body moves forward. Lunge is...
“Train in a way that allows you to keep training. Reduce the risk of injury by using your brain, not your ego” Nick Tumminello
From Anna Piperi BSc Sport & Exercise Science
“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet” James Oppenheim
⚽Soccer is characterized as a high intensity, intermittent contact team sport that requires a number of proficient physical and physiological capabilities to perform successfully.⚽Soccer players not only require highly developed technical and tactical skills, but high levels of aerobic...