According to the World Health Organization (1996) menopause is a significant life event characterized by reduction in the hormone estrogen. Females spend a significant portion of their lifespan in the postmenopausal state and the menopausal transition is associated with...
Do you want to optimize your physical activity but you have minimal time available because of your busy lifestyles? All you require is a kettlebell and, of course, your mind and body present. There are literally hundreds of kettlebell...
The Overhead Squat is the most basic snatch receiving position strength exercise and can be used prior the snatch as a learning progression. It can also serve as a mobility exercise to improve a lifter’s bottom position for the...
Soccer is characterized as a high intensity, intermittent contact team sport that requires a number of proficient physical and physiological capabilities to perform successfully. Soccer players not only require highly developed technical and tactical skills, but high levels of...
Squatting is a multijoint strength training movement which effectively recruits multiple muscle groups at once, and which is considered to be one of the most functional and efficient weight bearing exercises. The major muscles involved during a squat are...
When we are looking at injuries, shit does not happen, it happens for a reason that is governed by the laws of physics and controlled by functional anatomy (Michael Boyle). Knee valgus is believed to be a major contributor...
Everyone performs some kind of deadlift in his everyday life, that’s why I consider the deadlift as a functional movement of utmost importance, for everyone! Yes, you heard right; for everyone! “Most people misunderstand the mechanics of the deadlift;...
Before you move on to a weighted squat or more simply before you grab a barbell, you must learn how to squat correctly, with your bodyweight only. If you want to train for as long as you exist, while...
Plyometrics, a method of developing explosive power, consists of a rapid stretching of a muscle (eccentric action) immediately followed by a concentric or shortening action of the same muscle and connective tissue (Beachle & Earle, 2000).The stored elastic energy...
Through decades of evolution, today the Olympic lifts are officially two moves: the “clean and jerk” and the “snatch”. Some people confuse “lifting weights” with “weightlifting”. The former refers to lifting any sort of weight such as barbells, dumbbells,...